Monday, May 21, 2012

The El ExXx, Final (LoveStory)

During that whole summer all we did was hang out. We even got closer. So close that her friends were my friends and mine were hers. I thought I even loved her but I could confuse it for a lot of feelings at the time. But it was the best time time of my life. They say that God puts certain people in your life so that they can either teach you something or to change your life around so you can a different outlook on things.

One day we both played hooky from work and decided to have a picnic at the park. She brought the food and I the liquor. Eating fruits, sandwiches and drinking Bacardi while laying out on a sheet she had brought from home. We basked in the sun listening to music reminiscing on our childhood. It was funny because i was enough to show her a picture of myself i had in my wallet.
"Look at me when i graduated kindergarden." i tell her as i pull the picture out.
She looked at it and fell back with laughter. "Oh, my God. You were so cute. You haven't changed a bit. You still have a baby face."
I snatched it from her hand "This baby face picks up all the ladies."

The sun started to slowly set and we laid their still enjoying the company. There would be times were we would slip in a kiss. Hugging and rolling around like high school sweethearts, we were even holding hands.

It was a Thursday night they were at a bench by the park, they have walked all day around the city. Those are the best times to him, he loves being able to enjoy the wonders that the city has with someone he has grown to love. The bench was on the outskirts of the river which watched over the other city. As the sun sets to its slumber the skies change color, dark blues and vibrant purples. His arm over her shoulder, her head on his chest.

"I've never spent a whole summer chasing after a girl like you." he said out loud like those words fell out of his inner thoughts.
"Excuse me?" she said swaying offended by the comment.
"No, i don't mean like that. I mean" he gets her up and looks at her in the eyes. "You have changed

I came in and she wasn't there. all that was left was the Sidekick LX that I had let her borrow with a post it note on saying "Thanks for the phone, Stranger"
That was all. No number. No address. Nothing. I smiled to myself couldn't believe it. It was like a scene from those chick flicks. I flipped open the screen and the phone was actually on. she had erased everything, except this one email left on her tmail service. it was from herself, it said

From:LadiiFashun@tmail.comTo:Subject: To my best strangerHey Stranger,We are destined to meet many people in our lives. whether it be bad or good but they all have a purpose. I don't know if I taught you anything but you surely taught me alot. before I met you I was... well, let's admit it, a bitch. but it was something about you in that bar that night that let me know to give you a chance. and I did. and now I see things in a whole different way. you brought the child inside of me out. taught me how to be carefree. We went from being complete strangers to best friends. I love you
Always,The Stranger With The Sidekick

Saturday, May 19, 2012

At Your Bedside

"I fucking hate your guts. I'm tired of this shit. All you do is hang out at work and you are never come home. What are you doing?" She screams at him while digging her fingers into the temple of his head.
He jumped up from the chair and grabbed her by the wrist, "I swear if you do that to me again"
She cut him off, "You going to do what?" She began to mock him "You ain't going to do shit. So take your damn hands off of me and sit yo' ass down."
He slowly loosened his grip and turned around to walk away.
"That's all you do. You walk away from me. That's why you fucked up the way you are. Are you hearing"
He quickly turned around and raised his hand. 

The ambulance speeds down the streets wailing the siren. He sits impatiently by the side yelling at the paramedics, "Help her! She is bleeding!"
One of the paramedics pushes him aside with the little space they have in the back of the ambulance. They had her hooked up to the IV while trying to keep her conscious. The machine which she was hooked up to monitor her life was lighting up and screaming. "She is convulsion, she is convulsing." one of the paramedics yells to the other as her body jerks up. 
They took the air supply out of her mouth and begin to give her CPR. "What's happening to her!?" he grabs one of them by the arm.
"Sir, we need you to keep calm." the paramedic commands him.
Pumping on her chest rhytmicly trying to thrust life back into her. While all of this is happening he sits there quite in shock not being able to move, his arms and feet are weighted down with agony as he see's all of this happening. His girlfriend, the woman who he claimed as a lover, a best friend, a life long partner was going to check out early. 
The life line started began to slow down the jumps, almost sounding like trucks backing up. And before his eyes it just flattened and it made a loud annoying noise. The noise which echoed throughout the whole ambulance. But the paramedics didn't give up they kept pumping on her chest and trying their best. They finally made it to the hospital where two doctors waited at the ER dock to open the door and rush the gurney in. He franticly follows them inside and begins to hassle the doctor, "Is she going to be okay?"
The doctor ignored him as he directed his nurses what to do. He got irritated that he wasn't paying him any attention, he then pulled him by the arm. "Listen, this is my wife! Tell me something!" he screamed at him.
The doctor looked him in the eye, "We are going to do our best." He nodded to one of the nurses which then escorted him to the waiting room. She tried to comfort him by telling him how the doctors will try their best and bringing him coffee, the tactics you would do to calm down a kid.

Sitting in that was the worse feeling in the word, he would almost compare it prison, except his life isn't the one being tested. Pacing back and forth, the anticipation grew. He would approach the nurse at the front desk every so often to see if there was any news. With a stone cold face she would shake her head. He felt so helpless, she was feet away and yet he could do nothing. There wasn't a magic potion or rewind button. Nothing. Just hope.
He slouched into the uncomfortable chairs they tortured people with, like the pain of a loved one in the hospital wasn't enough. His head was kicked back, the groan from the vending machine soothed him to sleep.

"What are you having?" a low gentle voice asked him. It awoke him, but he wasn't annoyed, it was more like a loving awake. The kind you get from your mother saying your name over and over and rubbing on your forehead type of awake. He looked up rubbing his eyes to see a preacher. "Sorry for awaking you my son. I thought you were awake."
"It's okay." he replied still half asleep. "What is it you were asking me?"
"What are you here for, my son?" he asked so gentle, as a curious lonely child.
"My girl." he stopped short, "I mean, my wife, she is injured. Badly. She had an accident."
"May God bless her. But why is it I feel something else bothering you, my child?"
He cocked one of his eyebrows up, "What do you mean?"
"I feel something else worries you. Something more than her just being here."
The preacher looked him right in the eyes, they were warm dark eyes. He looked around to see who else was hearing, "If I tell you, it would only be between us, right?" The preacher nodded his head.
"Come along my child. To a more quite place." he then lead him to the church inside of the hospital. It was cold, with high ceilings, stone arches, and the plated glass windows of the saints looking over. The place was empty and dimly lit, you could actually see the flickers of the candle flames. The preacher escorted him towards a bench in the center right. "Speak to me, what bothers." There he goes again with that soft voice that put a warm blanket over my shoulders, it made me feel safe.
He cleared his throat, "Where should i even start?" he said scartically trying to make it sound like he had a hell of a story to tell.
"Start from the beginning." The preacher said grinning and then patted his knee.

It all began about 5 months ago when he got a new job working at a financial firm. They were having a rough patch in their relationship because she felt as though she wasn't contributing enough, whether it be with the bills or the relationship. At the beginning, the job would take ample amount of her time, working extra hours just to get a couple of extra dollars. She wanted to prove to herself, as well him that she can do it. But when he got his big break and her job wasn't giving her enough hours, the only way to show her desperation was through anger and despair. While at home waiting for him to get out of work, she would clean the whole house, left it spotless. She would then slave over the stove making all types of his favorite foods. But slowly he began to come home later and later, until he once got home at 5 in the morning.
She was furious, not with anger but with doubts. What could he be doing? Who works in an office so late? Am I not attractive anymore that he doesn't want to come home. Maybe he is at someone else's house. 

This new job opportunity meant the world to him. The fact that he could share it with the person he loves the most, was perfect. He knew that everyday she felt less confident in herself because of the bills. This was a gift, it was on the route he needed for his career and he could finally get his girlfriend everything and anything she most desired. But even when you are on the path to success you must still work hard, even harder than before because of sustaining and developing the success. We crave for more, we don't just want the house in the hills we want the one on the beach with three cars in the front. And to acquire all of that takes harder work. Things were going smooth but he wanted the big corner office. So he knew he had to do the things that the other partners didn't want to do, that entitled staying late and finishing up paperwork. Until the boss noticed his efforts and gave him his own accounts. Now that meant he had to do the account of the person he was working for and then his own. He was swamped but he knew that there will be great rewards at the end of this tunnel.
One night working late he gets a phone call from her, asking him when he will get home? It's one of those phone calls that annoys you not because of the question but because you feel that if they didn't ask, then maybe you would be done quicker and then you can spend time with them. But instead you are on the phone sidetracked. Monroe, the boss's executive assistant was about to leave when she noticed him hunched over his desk tapping away at his computer looking over piles and piles of paperwork. She walked over and to see what he was still doing there late. He jumped up when she tapped him on his shoulder, "I didn't know there were other people here." he said trying to catch his breath.
Monroe wasn't really much to look at, she had gaps in between her teeth, untamed hair which seemed like it hasn't been dealt with in months, and she was lanky. But she carried herself very well, she knew she was in a place of business where major accounts were handled, so she still made sure that her clothes were dried cleaned every week, she had 12 or more outfits to wear and a new pair of stockings everyday. With the money being made in that firm there was no room for slackers, you have to dress to impress to mimic success which later manifests. (you can't steal that, I just made that up)

Tip toeing inside of the house she was waiting. Still awake and furious. While he was at the office stressed, counting numbers all day she was at home worried, counting the time. They argued till the sun came up. They eventually went to sleep cuddled up, they wanted to say more but being so exhausted didn't let them. Fours hours later he would get up and get ready to go back to work, this went on for awhile. He sometimes had to go in on weekends just so the work would be done for Monday. The nights got colder and lonely, he was nose deep into paper work and she was hugging herself at night as the other side of the bed was cold. She would call her friends to keep her company but they had better things to do. The void of having someone to hold, care and pay attention to started to whither away. All that settled in was jealously, insecurities, and depression. Some people in the world long for love and companionship, its hard when you finally find that one person who finishes your sentences, that no matter how you felt they knew some how to put a smile, they were someone who was your supporter, cheerleader and best friend. You could be million miles away and if you was just to see their text saying that they missed you or a simple hello, you knew that there was somebody to go home to. People have a misconception of love and think its someone who completes you and thats wrong because even family can turn their back on you. You need someone who understands you, was a friend first, and some one who wants you to be your own person, love yourself before attempting to love another. That is a companion.

A relationship is like Jenga. Yes, Jenga, the little kids game with the blocks and you have to pull one by one without making the whole tower fall.

Picture your relationship like Jenga. While getting to know the person you begin to build and place a block. The more you get to know each other, the more you build with each other. Along the way you put key blocks in your relationship which are communication, trust, and partnership, which goes along with friendship. When one of these blocks are taken from the equation the tower slowly begins to sway and thats when things become rocky. And thats what these two people began to lose, communication. The more distant they got from each other the less they wanted to speak to each other. She then started to lose trust in him so she decided to be spiteful and felt that if he was going to make her feel worried and not trust him, she was going to give him a reason for him to catch his attention.
She later enrolled in a pottery class to keep herself occupied and busy her mind from thinking about him so much, it was always a hobby of hers that she never found time for. Luis, a fellow classmate, one day asked her for some help. Not paying any much attention to it, she helped him. While she was turning the wheel and trying to form the clay to help him, he begins to start a conversation and ask her where is she from and how did she get so good. Nonchalantly, she would answer all of his question and he then started to make his moves.
"So do you have a boyfriend?" he asked with an evil grin. He knew she had a boyfriend because he picked her up one day from pottery class.
"Yes, I do." she replied back with a quick snap. Why is it any of his business? She got his clay to form to its starting position and she then went back to her station. Sitting down, maneuvering the clay to her liking always made her feel like she had a grip on life. If you was to mess it up you had to handle the situation or should i say the clay a certain way to get it back to how you want it to be. But if it got screwed up you can just get some more clay and start all over again.
Replaying the scenario that just happened, she blushes to herself. She felt a bit of attention and she liked it.

On the other side of town he was still at work. This time Monroe was there helping him with the accounts. As he would input the numbers she would set aside the paperwork in to neat piles to later then make booklets with the correct information. He sighs as he takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes.
"You need to rest your eyes. Come on lets go down and grab a drink." she offered seeing that he was exhausted. It was already midnight and there was no sight of ending.
He then puts his glasses back on, "No, i rather stay here and finish this. I want to get home."
Grabbing him by his arm "You need a break. We need a break."
They headed to a mexican restaurant which was around the office that was open late. After ordering the drinks and an appetizer, she started the conversation asking him how his life was outside of work.
He sighed, "I thought we were on break." he said sarcastically.
"That bad, huh?"
Revealing all of the problems that was surrounding his life outside of the office. Which eventually was taking its toll on his office work. He went the extra length to say that he would rather be at work just so he wouldn't have to go home. At this point the drinks were taking its course, he paid and they headed back to the office. It was either the drinks or the conversation but he felt comfortable around Monroe. Before it was strictly business but he started opening up more. WHile working they spoke about dreams, ambitions, and even their personal life, were he went in and out upon his relationship.
Yawning, the time was four in the morning. Stretching the limbs it was time to go, he turned off all the lights and headed home. To his surprise she was actually asleep. No argument tonight. He thought to himself, slipping into bed trying not to wake her. But what was really happening is no love tonight.

Don't get me wrong love is a powerful thing, it can blind some and control others. I don't think its hard to control love, its hard to control yourself when you know the love is gone.

Early one morning while he was getting ready for work and she was making some breakfast, his phone alerted him of a new text message. It read

From: Monroe
Can't wait to see you today. Get ready for another night of work.
 As her eyes wondered to this message, her blood boils but she kept quite. Putting the plate of breakfast on the table her hands started to shake, she was trying to contain her anger before she exploded. Which she did when he gave her a kiss on the cheek and said his goodbyes. The door closed and the plate of food followed. You could hear her scream from four apartments down, up and side to side. Going into their room she franticly searches in all of his belongings, not having a clue of what to find. But all she does is hopes to find something incriminating to then wail on him.
After causing a mess, she then kneeled to the floor, balls her fist and began to cry. Laying on the floor in the fetal position, she finally gathered some energy to get up and continue her day. It was only a text message.
You might say it yourself, it was just a text message. Why is she so dramatic? But is she being dramatic?

The only place where she feels distant and in control is at the pottery shop. She went earlier then her class and started to work on a new piece. The wheel spins and she slowly slides her fingers around the clay maneuvering it, controlling it. Her mind is far out but flashes of Monroe and him begin to bring her back. She pictures them hunched over his desk, the wheel spins a little faster. Monroe and him brushing hands as they look over paper work. Gazing into each others eyes. Still trying to control and shape the clay, the wheel spins faster. When she pictures them kissing the wheel was at full speed and the clay slipped out of her hands and spread around the class, right onto Luis shirt.
He jumps back. "Hey!" he screams out in surprise.
She quickly gets some paper towels and tries to help him. "I'm so sorry."
With a big smile, "It's alright. It brings a new look to my shirt. About to make my own brand."
She cracks open a smile and chuckles and quickly tries to disguise it.
"Was that a smile? No, that wasn't. I could of sworn i saw a smile across your face. You should try it more often it suits you very well."
Walking away she couldn't pull down her smile. It shined and brightened up the room. After class Luis walked over and asked her to lunch. He was nice and genuine, she was attracted to his strong, masculine chin. And he had something about his nose that she couldn't put her finger on but it got her curious. In a trance she nodded her head. Walking towards Chipotle he kept talking about himself. But it was nice because it was something different, compared to being asking "how you doing?" and then you just answer back "nothing". She noticed he was a take charge person from choosing the place to eat to choosing a seat, and she loved it.
As the time passed and he kept talking about himself she would daze off and think about times she went to Chipotle. How he would make fun that it was a mexican place but americans would work there and in italian place, like a pizzeria mexicans would work there. She missed him. It wasn't the him she missed but all the times they spent together. The inside jokes. The late nights up just side by side on the couch watching TV, her doing her nails while he flips through the channels. Those are moments you don't just acquire from anyone, that's something you have to bond with someone.

As for him, he was at work, anticipating a moment alone with Monroe. She was someone he could open up to and won't feel the pressure of commitment. It was beginning to be exciting to him those late nights, almost like he was cheating. He was cheating on his girlfriend with work. Or was it with Monroe? As soon as he would enter her presences he would forget about his problems at home. Even with the stress of the accounts he had, he would forget.
For his birthday instead of being at home enjoying the day he was in the office finishing up. Monroe brought him a homemade cake which read "To A Hard Worker" and she even gave him a hallmark card. It had a man in a suit being kissed by a girl holding a cake and inside it said "You are dressed for the job. Happy Birthday!" She then wrote

To the most hard working man that I know,
You deserve it all. Hard work pays off.
Happy Birthday!
And it was enclosed with a kiss from the bright red lipstick she wears that he once complimented her on. You could see him blush as he smiled from ear to ear, they then exchanged a hug.
"You're welcome." she told him releasing him from the hug. "Now let's go celebrate. Unless you have some where to go?"
She knew he had somewhere to go and so did he. He was hesitant, he quickly glanced at his phone with a message from her, "Are you coming home yet!? Its your birthday!"
And off they went to a classy restaurant that was known for their sushi. The place was nice, it had silk table cloths, with candles and even gave their guests complimentary cigars.
"I'm proud of you. You show so much desire to become the best at your job." Monroe gazed into his eyes while circling her finger around the glass of wine they ordered.
His palms were sweaty and kept twirling the glass, but he kept his cool. "Eh, it's nothing. Whatever i put my mind to. I eventually get."
They carried on their night and while he was having dinner with Monroe, she was at home with a birthday dinner of her own. Which was getting cold. And so was their relationship.
She wanted to surprise him so she clean the house, cooked his favorite dinner, and even bought herself some lengire. The only surprise she got was a text message from him saying he would be late but even his text was late. She blew out the candles and went to bed.

After hearing his story, the preacher put one hand over his shoulder. His head was down and he was weeping , "I don't know what i would do with out her." he said in between sniffles.
"They say you don't know what you have till its gone. But you are stupid enough to let it go in the first place."
He raised his head with a puzzled look on his face wiping away his tears. "So what are you trying to say, that its over? That I shouldn't try anymore?"
"It means, if you still feel like there is hope, my child. Then go after it. It's only gone when you let it go. The only fault i see here is never fighting for it. You told me that you noticed things going downhill. If you noticed things going downhill then why didn't you pick it up, boy?"
He looked at him with self pity. He knew he had something special but he was caught towards what was the big picture.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Love Of A Mother

            Born into a world of struggle and poverty, I was able to be wealthy with a loving family. Since day one I have never felt neglected. Being the first Grandchild, I was born special. My mother needed a C-section because the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck. I was able to live today to tell you this, surviving a fever of 110°. Heard till this day my mom was barely able to hold me or carry me because of the joy and happiness of my grandmother. My father being the coward and irresponsible person he was, also to mention cold hearted left my 16 year old mother to fend for herself and bear this young child. A child to later carry on the name which held so negative meaning behind it.
            Before coming into this world my mother was 15 years old meeting my father going on to be 18 at the time. He worked at the local grocery store, the same store my mother and cousin would go and buy their groceries. To later find out that this young man was supposing very interested in the young lady. My great grandmother being the busy body that she is would give my mother errands knowing that the boy was interested in my mother. As the frequent visits continued, it led to the point were the young man would now be encountered at family gatherings. A year passes and they have grown to each other. But there was a mix, as his uncle who owned the grocery store where the young man worked in was also dealing drugs and using the store as a front. The young man being a little older and wiser, supposively, decided to take his nephew under his wing. Now with juggling work, his lady, and the dealing, slowly it started to put a burden on him and change his face.
            Now heavily into the drug game, his own persona changed, he wasn’t the same person at the grocery store, he was now a worker and greedy. Deceiving the drug game and also the young lady, things turned sour as quick as it was “sweet”. Surpassing the limits he later was able to brain wash the young lady into leaving her house, thinking she was going to move out in to a happy home. Was quick to find out of a struggle, that long awaited her. Being young and easy manipulated, the selling of drugs easily consumed him. Both thrown to the streets now living out of a car, he took the young woman for a fool and took her kindness for weakness. Would treat her bad, beat her, and even forbid her from seeing her family. He would treat her as of those the same he would sell his drugs to. He later impregnated her bearing a child with out knowing, things took a dangerous turn.
            The man was making a well amount of money, enough for an apartment. But he was gaining power the wrong way, he was hustling his own friends. This went up to the point were they were looking for him. Going to his apartment to harass him, and then find a young lady. They shot her, bombarded the apartment and took what they were looking for. In emergency care she was to find out that she was pregnant and lost the baby. Devastated, enraged and depressed, she didn’t know what to do as things were looking horrible. With a weak mind she returned to the young man thinking he would be able to correct the wrong and comfort her. But he was head over heels with the drugs business and money. Greed had a tight hold of him and was not letting go, knowing all the money he was making. Regaining her physical and mental strength, she was impregnated again, but this time she knew.
            She would right her wrongs, she went back to her mother and explained the situation. Her mother told her that there is one person she has to speak to and wanted to see her. Come to find out it was her grandmother. She sat the young woman down and try to build up her mental and spiritual strength to an all time high. All for that to soon be broken.
            Walking back to the apartment she sees the man and friends carrying boxes to a car. She walks up to him and asks “What’s happening?”
He answers back “I just need to take these back to somebody I’ll be right back to make sure your ok!”
            Still high off the words that her grandmother told her believed him. She then saw him drive off, to later find out, NEVER to be seen again. Walking into the apartment she sees everything gone, pictures, clothes, and what she held very valued to her heart the jewelry. She balled up in a corner and cried and cried until all she can do is just feel sad. Until her body could not produce tears but feel weak. Until her arms and legs felt heavy and all she wanted to do was disappear. Then that feeling sparked and turned into a fire of rage. She got herself up and went back to her mothers’ house. Were they accepted her, but now had to gain trust and respect. Time passed and her guardian was her grandmother, guiding her thru the right and wrongs of life. Letting her know to never let anything get in her way, it’s ok to be weak sometimes but never give into the weakness but learn from it and take it as a lee way into strength.
            There was a baby shower for the child. A celebration of not just life, but a celebration of family and that the closeness of those who are close. A month later, on a routine visit, it was shown that the baby had to come out, as he was serving some difficulties. She didn’t want to force the birth, but time was at a value, never the less her contractions where close. Nothing else to do but take her in and give her a C-Section.
            A boy came out purple barely alive, from a fever and the suffocation of the umbilical cord. Everyone proud at the young woman to be able to survive, and keep the child. Taking his first breath and able to scream. The first pair of arms he was warmed up by, was the young lady’s mother, the grandmother. The child is then named after the same man who abodoned him and the mother. Naming him this name, she thought that THIS boy would never do what the man did, and WOULD stay around forever to actually take care of her. Treat her right and being a man, not a coward like the previous.
            She was right. For the boy today will do anything for that woman, his mother. He was able to learn so much from her. He learned strength, and that you don’t need anyone to keep going in life. That happiness is a factor in life. His mother didn’t only teach him to love himself but to understand what love one another is all about. Being the only child she bared he takes into consideration the fact of space and always being there for her. The same she was always there for him growing up. Going to school and coming home to take care of the child waiting for him to go to sleep and then finish her homework to do it ALL over again the proceeding day, it was tough. With help from her mother, the grandmother, she was able to sustain strength and sanity. Never regretting the birth of the child or even meeting the man for that fact, it taught her a little something about the cycle of love and life. Both mother and son being adults and now able to communicate, are inseparable. She is the first one to call him in the morning and he will be the last one she would hear from at night.
             They are not in their own separate ways, going thru their ups and downs along the way. The son without a father figure, the mother no matter how she tries can’t show him how to be a man. Decided to venture and find out what it is to be a man. Looking in the wrong places, he slowly but surely started to follow in the footsteps of the person who had some part in his well being. Greed, drugs, and envy clouded his mind. The same way his own mother was able to find a guardian being HER grandmother, he found his guardian being HIS grandmother. But she wasn’t just any soft spoken guardian. This guardian came with authority, as she found his paraphernalia, drugs and money. That all ended quickly as she put her foot down and made him understand the value of family. That then soon came with the value of the mighty dollar. But she always wanted to teach him that no matter WHAT, she or anyone from the family was going to be there for him. But by that time it was to late, because him being selfish and greedy. The depth of the drug game he was in, it was impossible to leave and not be looked for, especially with all the devious things he had done. But with the strength of his grandmother and the love he had for his mother he left anyways. This didn’t take a pretty turn, the people he left hanging would soon be looking for him. Instead of finding him, they found his mother, and took her life. This was a sign that things weren’t going to be left off the hook so easily. With a burn for vengeance and pain, there was no turning back in what he was going to do.
            The boy set out with guns searching for the person who had done this because he was going to leave a personal message. Finding out who it was, there was information that this person actually had kids. The boy went to the cold hearted persons home killed both of his daughters and wife. He left the two girls bloody in their playing area and the wife dead in the kitchen. It was an even draw for nobody wanted to look for one another after that.
            It then hit him; he was looking at being the man the wrong way. What he needs to understand that being a man doesn’t mean someone who financially supports the family, but someone who is able to value and love the family. With that in mind he then looked at things in a whole different perspective. BUT with that NOW in mind his grandmother made sure he knows what it is to WORK for his money. So she got him on his feet and MADE him get a job. The boy got a little job and started to gain experience and respect. Thinking things had blown over this is where the world spins a little to fast
            Late night at his little job waiting for the custodian to go and clean, the air was tainted with a weird feeling. Two men with all black attire walk up to the kid ask him, “Who are you?”
His response with a question, being dumbfounded “Who am I?”
            That’s when the two men pull out guns and end the kids’ life on that dirty floor. All to be found a skinny limp bloody body. Nothing but silence was heard as his dead eyes stared up at the ceiling. It was all gone.
            His life, his mother, his family was all gone, all because of one wrong step. He was never to able to really understand a struggle and what his mom went thru for him not to go thru this. But she didn’t even have the chance to enjoy the fact that her child is all grown, she didn’t have the chance to let her child know what a joy and privilege it is for him to be alive and for her to be able to say that’s my SON.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I Almost Got Away With It

The year was 2005, junior year of High School. It was when I first started to experiment with the sales of narcotics. I was young, dumb and determined. My mother would give me everything she could but my appetite for material things started to grow the more and more I got into the crowd. I wanted the expensive designer jeans, new sneakers before they hit stores, and I also wanted to live a certain lifestyle of having my own. Naive to the fact that I was young and there was only so much of independence one could perceive.

My mother use to give me an allowance a day. She taught me, "A man never leaves his house without money in his pocket." And that's exactly what I did. A friend of mine who lived right down the street sold marijuana. He always would tell me that he could get me started only when i had enough money. So i began to save the money my mother would give me and got my first half an ounce of haze. I started to move it around in school and my some of my friends would connect me to their friends. So on and so forth.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Epiphany (Success)

This weekend I decided to take time off and focus on just me. Just relax and watch the boxing fight. No studio. No writing. Nothing of work related just have a good time and let my mind let go. But things planned never go the way you honestly want them to go. Somebody once told me "its not how you get to that moment but handle what happens after".

This weekend went to the dumps and i was hit with an epiphany. There is no days off!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Chandelier pt 3

He called her a chandelier. She never understood that until now. 
"Do you know why i called you a chandelier?" he asked her. 
She gave him a dumb look and replied "No."
"Because i'm like your ceiling, i would hold you whenever you were down. You were the light to my room but as time went on you did exactly what a chandelier does. Shine by itself and forget that there is a ceiling holding it. The only problem is, if you was to take that ceiling from over it off, it would fall and shatter. And right now, you are falling."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chandelier Pt.2

She heads up stairs, if the city was to instantly black out at that very moment, it wouldn't matter to her with the glow she was generating. Inside the apartment she twirls and jumps as she feels a new opportunity arise.

Everyone in the world has something special about them whether it be a talent or just the ambition to thrive for success but not everyone gets noticed. So for her to get even be acknowledge is something huge. It's almost like putting on a jacket and finding money in the pocket, then after that its up to you what you going to do with it.We blame it on luck and say "Damn, she is a lucky ass bitch." But can't understand why they are "unfortunate" in life. There isn't such a thing as good or bad luck. There is only the drive for what you want.

"Hey." he says as he walks out the kitchen holding a fork.
She jumped holding her chest afraid her heart was going to pop out, "Oh my God. You scared me."
He then greets her with a kiss. "You seem very happy today."
"Yes I am. I have a job interview on Monday. It could be something very big for me."
"Not bad. How did that happen?" he asked.
They sit in the living room and she begins to explain how everything happened. From meeting Mr. Walker to being driven home.

"Mom, Roll That Shit"

In the year of 2008 I was able to have a greater relationship with my best friend, my mother. Everything was were i wanted it to be, for example i had my own apartment, a good job working in a law firm, and single. Being that everything was just "perfect" in life i decided to experiment more. That was the year i began to have a total disregard for responsibility, drink heavy and smoke marijuana.There would be little get together in my apartment beginning sometimes on Wednesdays all the way till Sunday mornings. I would take Sundays to relax maybe regain energy from the hangover. My house would be riddled with bottles of Hennessy, Vodka, Malibu and blunt wrappers, it looked like a fraternity house.

One day at work my mother decides to call me and tell me that she going to be at my apartment because she had mail going over there and she needed something that was important. Probably wondering, what's wrong with that? 
The problem with that is my mother had a spare key to my apartment just in case there was ever an emergency. With all the paraphernalia that was laying around having her randomly go over wasn't the greatest of ideas. I was thinking of a way of diverting her to go over, at least for that moment. Maybe if i could get home first then her and clean up it wouldn't be as bad. But that is your apartment was does it matter what you do. You pay the bills.
Again you might be correct but no matter what you do in life you still hide certain things from your parents no matter how old you are, either out of fear or respect you have for them. I quickly came up with an excuse to my boss so that i could leave home early. To late.
She was already there sitting on the couch in my living room with a blunt wrap on the coffee table.
"Mami." i said.

Monday, April 30, 2012

A Journey Of A Weekend

So my weekend started Saturday morning. I had an interview early in the morning so you already know i got on my spiffy shit. The interview went well can't really complain. From the interview i went straight to Atlantic City with my Number One Nigga, my moms. Yes, she knows that i call her my nigga. On a two hour ride with me is no joke. There was once or twice she wanted to slap me to shut up. We spoke about everything. I even told her about the people i smoked with and some stories. Just hanging out.
Ridin around and i'm getting it. She got the bluetooth on like she a thug.
We then finally made it after a quick stop at Popeye's for some lunch. Now the thing about Atlantic City is that its like miniature Las Vegas. With that being said they would expect you to gamble.

A grown ups wonder land

Neither my mom or I like to gamble. So this trip was nothing but some quality time. We just started shopping and even had a couple of beers. Nothing like chilling with my nigga.

After a long day we head home. Broke. But we richer in our love. Later that night i get a call from my right hand man. He was telling me that he wanted to chill and he had some people he had to meet in the city. So we assemble in Times Square at a bar and thats when the adventure begins. We then went to a show of some sort with some funky music. Had me dancing shit i don't normally dance. But i don't put anything new down, i try it all.

We ended up in Brooklyn. Don't ask i'll explain that all in a video post later this week. I got home at six thirty in the morning. I woke up and my mother aka my #1 nigga was like "Hey, lets go to City Island."
I quickly got up with a hangover and got ready quick. Off to City Island we went.

We went with my grandparents. My grandfather is the senior citizen version of me. You can see him here eating a whole fried red snapper. He a clown.

And then my mother and I just went chilling around the city. Drinking Blue Moons and causing havoc. I was trying to take pics but two drunk people can't camera phone properly!
I write these post not to really show much but who I am. Also to show you guys of what i do when  i'm not writing anything. I hope you enjoy and keep on visiting and reading.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Don't Kill The Messenger

 I thought these five flights of stairs would get easier. Now where did I put my keys?
Putting down my bags I begin to pat my pockets to feel for my keys. You can hear the echo of Metallica in my building hallways from my iPod headphones. I finally dig into my right pocket and dig out my keys. The hallway was covered in the aroma of seasoned chicken. I proceed to open my door, hold it open with one foot, pick up my bags and continue into my apartment. Once I get inside I put down the bags, while turning around my headphones drop.

These damn headphones never seem to stay on my ears.
Being in the darkness only guided by the rays of the moonlight, I then begin to feel down my pants for my dangling headphones. I get back up to close the door…


She runs her own Publicists Company, she is know all through the industry. Some might even call her the "Industry Vixen". She was tall, built to kill, and had chinky eyes but wasn't Asian. The problem with her success is that its a glorious lonely one.  Her boyfriend was someone who was always there for her through the good, bad, beautiful, ugly, ups, downs, poor, and well not really the wealth. Throughout her tyrant as a successful publicists there isn't a day that goes by that she still has a feeling in the bottom of her heart that she still owes him. She thinks to herself You don't owe anybody. We use whatever means we have and make it towards where we are today. I aspire to be more than beauty, handbags and designer shoes. And i will never allow anyone stop me from pursuing my dreams. But what is success, it isn't money or stature. The love you have for yourself and the ambition to thrive for more.
The saying going "behind every great man there is a great woman" but in this case "behind this woman was a great man".

Friday, April 27, 2012

Story Time With The Boys

This one night hanging out with my friends we started up a conversation about some bad sexual experiences we had. I spoke about this one time in high school when i went to a party and picked up a girl.
It was a house party, a good one at that. The house was packed and they were playing reggaeton all night.  There was this one girl that kept eye'ing me the whole time. One of my friends pushed me towards her and from that instance we started dancing. I don't know if you guys remember high school house party but it would have taken a truck to move me from how raunchy we were dancing. I swear to you the dye of my jeans have to be imprinted till this day on that wall. She turns around puts one leg up and we were basically dry humping. She got real close to my neck, i could feel her sweating.
She then whispered in my ear "Let's get out of here."
Its not like i was living alone, i was a senior in high school, i lived with my grandparents. But i didn't care who i was living with i was going to take this home and then take this down.
And then it happened.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Asshole Chronicles: The E-Break-Up

Asshole Move #23: Sending an e-mail to break up

Cleaning out my e-mail account i ran into something i forgot i even wrote. A copy of a break up letter that i had sent to a girl that i was going out with senior year of high school. The worse part is not even that i sent her an email breaking up with her but it was a t-mail, from my sidekick.

I met her through one of my friends that i had 3rd to 4th period math class with. She was a live wire, i mean she really kept me on my toes. I'll never forget that first night we spoke on the phone she was actually having an argument with her ex.
"Hold on, my ex is on the other line bothering me." is what she would tell me. I thought it was crazy but it excited me. The first time speaking to her and she was already opening up to me, telling me about her past relationships and experiences with men. Her strategy was to be completely honest with me and in return i was going to do the same.

The El ExXx Pt. 3

Three days passed and we had been hanging out every chance we got. Whether it be shopping for clothes or shopping for food at the super market. This one day I took her to the park where you could see over the river and the great big bridge which connects the world to us. It was funny because we didn't need to come up with any conversation we would just talk for hours and hours about anything. I could see how happy she was with her life in her eyes. They had this glow that I couldn't quite put my finger on but it was warm.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Dying Love

I’ve been with her for two and half years now. That’s along time; I would have never thought I would be tied down for that long. I must admit, I have done my share of dirt but I can’t ever leave her. To tell you the truth, those girls never meant anything to me and till this day I can't tell you why. We are fools to think that what is done to others' can't happen to us. Why is it that some men cherish women and give them the respect in which they deserve and yet get their heart broken. While there are other men who treat women with disgust and still able to find the "right ones". All i have to say is karma is a bitch and she waits for no one. And when it's to late we all want to cry or regret. Here’s how the story goes…
            Las Vegas, Nevada, I was there with a "lady friend" I had met on business. Thought maybe I should relax and have fun. I had told my girlfriend that I was going out of town to meet up with some business partners, which is true. I just happen to have done a little something different there.  But it was bothering me, for the simple fact I was doing something I could have done with her and not some random woman. She was nobody to me, especially for me to treat her so well. My conscious weighted heavy so I decided to go back early and surprise her, but before anything I had to get something to take back to her. It wouldn't make up for all the lying and mischief but it was a true token of my love.
             On the plane home I felt like I was meeting her again for the first time because I had butterflies in my stomach. Or maybe it was cause of the plane food. Either way I couldn’t wait to go back. I’ll never forget the day I first met her…
            It was a cool summer night; I was just hanging out with Supreme and Stacks. We were outside in front of Stacks' building. When I saw her walking down the street towards us. She had long legs, Indian skin complexion with long dark hair and big breast. I’m not the one to yell out or draw attention, but something told me that I had to catch her eye. Very hesitant, the only words that came out my mouth were “Hey! You dropped something!”

Monday, April 23, 2012

Blunts and Wheelchairs

This one night at home alone I decided to call up my delivery man and get a "twenty sack" of some fine grade marijuana, Sour Diesel. Sat right in front of my big screen tv grabbed my Playboy magazine with Linsdy Lohan on the cover and crushed it. I had recently got these clear wrapping paper that I wanted to give a try. I bumped into them in a SoHo smoke shop one night after work actually looking for the Playboy Magazine in which I was crushing on.I had Wiz Khalifa's mixtape, Kush & O.J. on, just relaxing not really giving much care to the world.

Everyone has a little ritual or just something that they do constantly before or during their smoking session. For some odd reason I like to text or tweet when I smoke. I actually on purpose look for someone to text before I light up the blunt. That and I also love to listen to old 90's hip-hop music. I wouldn't even consider that a ritual now that I think about it, it just happens. A lot.

In the middle of this smoking session I get a call from my mother telling me they were cleaning out my great grandmother's apartment who recently died in December of 2011. They had this electric wheelchair which they were planning to sell but just didn't have anywhere to place it for the mean time. Guess who got stuck with an electric wheelchair in their house. So they brought it through and it sits in my living so everyone who comes over can ask and I would have to repetitively tell the story. But this one night I thought it would be funny since I was already high off that Sour Diesel to go downstairs in it and get my munchies. The mind of a mad man. On the way back up to my apartment I thought it would even be funnier to record myself. And here it goes!

The El ExXx Pt. 2

The next day I was at work with a major headache, my stomach felt so empty yet nauseated and my body was sore. You could smell the Hennessy excreting through my pores like a pirate. My head was hung low when that sweet old lady came in to pay off her granddaughters' phone bill.

"Mierda tu si tiene una resaca." she said looking at the aftermath from last night.
I explained to her what happened yesterday beginning with when the girl first came in and i let her borrow my old phone which i wasn't using. Told her how stupid I felt for getting drunk; not even being able to stand on my own two feet and she had to walk me home. The worse part was going in for a kiss and being rejected. The old lady laughed and told me not to worry about it, she told me about how things like that happen to the best of us. She tried to make me feel better by telling me a story of when she first met her husband and he made his first move. How she gave him a slap across the face and now they have been married for 40 years. Her advice was to learn and keep on moving because chances are that woman will come back, if its worth it. Until then there will be plenty of girls who will reject you.

Asshole Chronicles: Walk Away

I'll never forget the time that I pulled my first "asshole" move. I was 14 years old and i went on my first date. She was a Junior in High School and we met through my best friends sister, who introduced me to her. She was from a all girls catholic school, petite, short hair, delicate and well mannered. Did it help she was also a freak?
This girl had me talking some of the nasty stuff late night on the phone. She was the one who introduced me to "phone bone".

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Better Look of Who I Am!

Here is the writer, the blogger, the artist, the comedian, the skinny dude, and just plain ol' Art.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Four Twenty

Society calls it National Earth Appreciation Day, us stoners call it...

We just call it a reason to get high. Am I wrong? 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The El ExXx Pt. 1

I remember this one summer where I worked at a cell phone store. I thought it would be a easy and laid back part time job since I was so into gadgets and cell phones. But I was wrong, the customers at that location were ruthless. They would give me this ridiculous quota that i would have to meet at these outrageous deadlines. That didn't taint my spirit; i was able to make the most of it and meet a lot of interesting people. For example there was this old lady that would go and pay her granddaughters phone bill who was in Binghamton University. She would sit down with me and talk about how her granddaughters'  education is important, she paid for her phone bill because she knew that she will become a successful accountant.
That old lady one day came and brought me a Brugal straight from the Dominican Republic. Told me "I won't be able to enjoy it as much as you would." All she wanted was just someone to talk to.

It was a hot Sunday afternoon, me and two of my other co-workers were scheduled to work that day. The day dragged on and on with such hot weather. Being in a Cell Phone Store was not how i wanted to spend it but you have to do what you have to do. It wasn't till she walked in. Long legs, tall, bright red lipstick, matte black bob hair and thick, I wanted it. First thing that i thought was she is out of my league. I was gazed into her Paul Smith aviator sunglasses and i kept thinking what i would do to her if she would just let me put my lips on her.

I quickly snapped out of it when she tossed her broken pink Motorola Razr on top of that counter. "Excuse me. Hi. Fix this." she said with an attitude. I picked the device up which was clearly smashed with a cracked screen and scratches over the body.
Smiling i said "This is a cell phone store this phone here needs a church." She wasn't having it.
"I need this phone. My life is on this phone."
I try to calm her down because i could clearly see she was annoyed; a broken cell phone and this hot weather wasn't really helping much either. But i couldn't stop staring at her lips and cheek bones, she was built to stomp on a mans heart. I told her in my most smoothest voice "This cell phone store can't help you but I get off in an hour and i have this old phone and great condition that you can borrow."
Thats when she lifted me off my feet with that smile, she got closer to my face and said "Fix. My. Phone!"

As we looked around in the incasing we had in the store she saw nothing of her interest and she was getting more aggravated. She then out of a spurt just turned around and walked away. Just like that, without saying a word or even a notice. My co-workers and i looked at each other and just laughed. The hour was up and it was time to close shop, right after closing the store and saying my goodbyes to my co-workers, she approaches me from out of left field.
"Which is this phone that you can let me borrow?" she asked with a little girl voice.

The Boy Who Cried Colors

As a kid you don't really know how annoying you are until you are put in a situation were you are being punished for your annoyance. I can tell you this now growing up to be an only child you tend to get a couple of pay backs.

(as the screen gets blurry and i reminisce)

The Question?

Sitting up one night crying at all of the dismay that has happened in his life recently. Losing his job, losing his apartment, his girlfriend left, losing his grandmother and all the mean while losing his self. finally fed up, his tears turn to anger and his question of "why me?" quickly turned into a scold into the air.
wiping the tears from his cheek, balling up his fist, looking towards the sky, he questions "why do bad things happen to good people? and why must I suffer? haven't I served you and been good to you?"
nothing was heard. he then drops his head low as there was no response. but suddenly a strong gust of wind swooped by and in the pitch black night a bright light started to appear in the distance. as the light grew bigger it grew brighter and brighter till there was nothing to shade his eyes with but keep them shut. he felt a warm blanket-like feeling over his shoulders.
in a soft voice the light spoke out to him and said "I don't let these things happen rather I did these things to you."
wanting to open his eyes but the light would not let him afraid to be blinded. he responded back "but why?"
the voice quickly answer "never question me, everything I do has a reason. all I ask is to never lose faith and from time to time I will test you. not to break you down but to show you, you are stronger then you think."

with his eyes still closed he stood up but a force quickly pushed him back down. he then got up once again. the voice spoke out to him and said "you see what you can do? you stood up again even after being pushed down. that is to show you can have anything in this world if you really want it."
he lashed back and asked "but why take everything from me?"
a stronger force came over him and pushed him back down. "I said don't ever question me." the voice gets deeper, "show me that you really want it!"
with his last breath he finally stood up and even though he was scared he open his eyes. only to show he was back home with his girlfriend and grandmother at the foot of his bed...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Camouflage, Bandana Tied.

I know you remember having the Camouflage Uptowns with the white bottoms. These aren't the same ones but they surely compensate. Nike Air Force 1 Low Max Air VT QS "Camouflage"

What You Smoking On?

Here is a video of the two Gawds, Jada and Styles, discussing which strand of weed is better, Haze or the Sour Diesel. In my opinion, I would have to go with Jadakiss on this one. Sometimes you just want to get a good buzz I can't fuck with that stone that Sour leaves you with especially if I'm trying to be productive.

"weed so strong you got to put it in glass jars"

Whats your take on it? What you be smoking on?

Weed Condoms N Keyboards

I created a MiGente account. It was a while back if you haven’t noticed by the social network of choice but I thought I give it a try. One of my friends at school suggested it, said "There is alot of cuties there." He wasn’t lyingBest part of it was they were either latin or close to the neighborhood.
I took a certain pride in my profile, I did the background, icons and certain pictures I knew I looked rather dapper. I would randomly surf it from time to time and drop lines to some girls i thought were bangin’. I was selling myself like some sort of internet whore trying to get rid of a quick nut. It wasn’t till that one night when i got that private message from LaChula_loKa…
heii pa i see u live uptown. i saw ur pic & thought u looked like sum1 i knew. do u go to the bronx? u kno juan? lol hit me up ;)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Conversation I Had With Ignorance

An Atheist Professor of Philosophy was speaking to his Class on the problem Science has with God. He asked one of his new Christian students to stand.

         Professor: You are a Christian, aren’t you, son?
         Student: Yes, sir.
         Professor: So, you believe in God?
         Student: Absolutely, sir.
         Professor: Is God good?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why I Love The Rain...

Call me weird but I just love rainy days. I love to wake up when it’s raining. I don't know why, it’s a feel of relief and calm when I wake up and I see a gloom upon my window. The drops tap in a rhythmic beat on towards the air conditioner, still sitting on the sill. I like the dreary scenery like a Tim Burton Film. A rainy day sets the mood for a couple of situations, for instance you can stay in and watch a movie. A lot of people tend to take that route, but they don't see the up sides to it. It can be romantic as well as harsh but you always have to take the good with the bad or bitter with the sweet.
I've been able to experience some wonderful things on rainy days. A nice home cooked dinner next to the window. Just a little open to feel a mist hit the skin as the sun tries to shine thru the all grey covered sky of clouds. Also the combination of the dim lights outside combined with the mood can just set the attraction for a movie. But what takes my breath away is just being able to walk the glistening pavement able to hold a counter part as you protect yourselves under one umbrella. Or even without an umbrella, just letting nature take its course.
I personally think the point of being outside on a rainy day with your better half or just someone who entices you to hold them close and warm them up with your body. Little by little get closer and then be able to touch lips while the rain drops on your forehead.  Holding each other tight has you try to control one another’s shivers.

People underestimate me because I’m such a sneaker fanatic that I can't love the rain. Even thou the rain can disfigure the quality of the sneakers it doesn't damper my spirits. It doesn't taint my mood. It doesn't put a black cloud over my head. It makes me take a glum day and see it in a whole other perspective. I sometimes wonder if I was born on a rainy day and that’s why I like it so much. Who knows? Some people grow very moody with those types of weather conditions.

Its what you make of the situation that counts don't let a little rain stop you!
Rain Rain don't go away