Sunday, April 22, 2012

Better Look of Who I Am!

Here is the writer, the blogger, the artist, the comedian, the skinny dude, and just plain ol' Art.

Today was a day I decided to take for myself. Its been "hectic" doing this challenge in which I started. The challenge entails of me writing a short story a day. (except the weekends)

Walking a new path
But today i was just on my "Feeling Myself" mode. With the busy lives we lead, we sometimes forget about focusing on ourselves. We forget who is most important. Lately I've been able to see things in a whole different perspective. I have been much of an asshole in testing Gods strength and some how some way he always answers me. But we must have faith in him because at the end he has faith in us.

Enough of that, lets get into today. So i decided to take it easy and go around downtown New York for some nice spots to inspire me for the upcoming week of short stories i will be writing. I was dressed up because i went to a job interview today, just trying to move on up. There are a lot of unique places to take photos in New York you just have to broaden your horizons and use your imagination. I can't really explain to you where my inspiration or creativity for my stories come from. But the fact that you guys are willing to read it and there is a world outside of my door keeps me wanting to write everything.

Off the Wall
Sometimes in our life we tend to put walls up to either protect ourselves from certain people or even hold in emotions afraid to scare people away. But in reality we sometimes just want to see who is willing to knock those walls down and know the "real" us.
Lost In Deep Thought
A watch is either too fast or too slow. i can not be dictated by time.

Stay class New York

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