Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Boy Who Cried Colors

As a kid you don't really know how annoying you are until you are put in a situation were you are being punished for your annoyance. I can tell you this now growing up to be an only child you tend to get a couple of pay backs.

(as the screen gets blurry and i reminisce)

This one winter my family and I were going to the motherland, Dominican Republic. It was a ruckus around my apartment as everyone was quickly trying to pack for our flight the next day. You know us hispanic love to do things at the last minute. While my mother was packing up her luggage, going back and forth from the closet, looking for clothes to wear on her trip. I was jumping around her with two WWF wrestling toys acting as if I was actually in the ring. 
"Against the ropes! Off the ropes! Oh no, Mankind is thrown off the Hell in The Cell!" I would yell as I tossed myself on the bed and knocked over some clothes my mom had neatly folded and piled. 
"Coño! Vete de aqui. Go pack your bags." she said with this mean look on her face. 
I popped my head up from the bed and replied "I don't know how to pack my bags. You usually do it for me." 
"Well then go learn. Ask your aunt."

Now you see my aunt is only 5 years older then me and well, we don't really communicate the way a aunt and her nephew should. I was more like her annoying little brother. It wasn't till this one time we went to Playland and she won herself a goldfish on that game with the ball and you have to knock down those metal bottles. She had this goldfish which she named "Pepito" and I thought it would be hilarious if he had some cool purple water to swim in. So one day before she came home from school I snuck in her room and pour some Grape Kool-Aid mix into Pepito's bowl.
I've never heard the end of that one. 

So I thought hey, maybe since she had priorly gone to Dominican Republic she could tell me what to wear. I barged into her room and told her that I needed help with my luggage. That's when her horns slowly peaked out of her forehead and she felt like this would be a great time for a comeback. The first thing that she said was "Its cold over there. So pack alot warm clothes."
I was shocked like why would we leave New York in the winter to then head to a cold place. She continued to indulge on my naiveness and feed me more lies on how it is over there. Telling me how the polar bears roam the streets and everyone had to be in the house by 9 oclock at night. I was scared but I was excited I've never seen a real life polar bear. Later to find out I won't see one either. 

So I'm in my closet just throwing my Gap hoodies, Tommy Hilfiger sweaters, and long socks, I was preparing for the frost bite of D.R. Little did I know what was waiting for me. That morning we all put our luggage in the cab and headed towards the airport fully dressed. I had on my Bear bubble coat that they gave me as a gift for christmas. (Remember Bear coats?) 
Now on the plane my mother asked me if I was able to pack everything. I gave her a big smile like "Of course I packed everything. I ain't a fool I know how to keep warm."
On the way over there i began to notice everyone on the plane start to take off their coats and had on short sleeve shirts, some ladies with blouses. We must not be going to the same place is what I thought. Maybe we stopping some where and they getting off. Did i think wrong. 

"Aren't you going to take off your coat?" my mother asked me. 
We land and I find out that its hotter then the Welfare Office. (Why is always hot in that damn place?) Something else that was hot, was my mother when she found that all I packed was winter clothes. So they took me shopping in the great country only to find out they don't really have much nice clothes to wear. Had me looking like a Jamaican Crayola box with a orange mesh tank top and blue shorts. 
I was brolic like that at that time too.

PAYBACK! Moral of the story: There isn't good spots to shop in the campos. Also it isn't cold in D.R.

Dedicate to a good friend of mine. 

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